Microcadd is also a partner of Bentley in Sales and education. Its competency rests on the expertness of its workforce, reliability, updated software, and customer service. Microcadd is also the industry standard in CAD/ Digital Imaging services. Microcadd courses are registered and recognized by the local government thru TESDA (Technical Education & Skills Development Authority). The company is also the lead member of the Local Advisory Board of Autodesk. Today, Microcadd is the most advance and the biggest Autodesk Training Center (ATC) in the Asian Region. On the turn of the 20th century, the company's academic products grew to include specialized applications and vocational training.

In the same year, the company diversified into CAD/ Digital Imaging Services and Sales of software. The company was established to serve the emerging CAD, CAE & Multimedia academic needs of the country. was founded on January 1993 by graduates from the University of the Philippines.